The Fourth Revolution

When we think of the Industrial Revolution, we tend to think of the start of the 19th century and worthy gentlemen wearing stovepipe hats and mutton chop whiskers standing looking serious next to steam engines. We know it had a lot to do with the way our world is now, but it’s all a very […]

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Can The Internet Of Things Only Get Better?

The Internet of Things (IoT). It’s not the most inspiring nomenclature for a digital revolution, is it? Presumably the Internet of Stuff or the Internet of Bits and Pieces were already taken? However, there’s a lot more to the IoT than a clumsy name, in fact it essentially represents the most startling and influential impact […]

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The Revolution Will Be Digitised

The digital revolution is frequently referred to as the third great revolution for humanity. It follows on from the Agricultural Revolution, which effectively allowed us to create our city dwelling civilisations. The Industrial Revolution allowed us to make a massive mess of our cities. So, what will the Digital Revolution ultimately do for humanity remains […]

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