Thinking Deeply

Since the invention of the first computers, a primary goal of scientists and developers has been to create a machine that is capable of learning and thinking autonomously from experiences presented to it. Any computer capable of doing this would clearly, provided with modern supercomputer processing power, soon be able to outthink the brightest humans. […]

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National Technology Day

It’s National Technology Day in the UK, today recognises the ways that technology changes the world, looks to the future of technology and honors technological achievements that impact all of us daily… Imagine the world without technology?! It’s safe to say that each and every day, it’s nearly impossible to go a full 24 hours […]

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Living on the Edge

It’s an extraordinary thought that when you make a request of the Internet, it’s quite likely that it travels halfway around the world and back to you within the blink of an eye; try sending yourself an email and it will appear in your inbox virtually instantaneously with you clicking “send”, despite the fact that […]

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Are You Ready to Live Life on the Edge?

As computing technology became part of our lives, the mainframe computer was created. This held all the processing power and all the data, and users accessed it through a “dumb” terminal. Next came the PC, the complete opposite. All processing power and data storage took place within the box on your desk or, later, the […]

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Pulling 5g!

So, there’s a new standard for mobile networks, and doubtless most people are looking forward to this with the eager anticipation normally only reserved for Christmas and cup finals. No? That’s understandable, we’re all pretty blasé about the way technology develops these days; we started with analog 1G in 1979 and periodically since then we’ve […]

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Can The Internet Of Things Only Get Better?

The Internet of Things (IoT). It’s not the most inspiring nomenclature for a digital revolution, is it? Presumably the Internet of Stuff or the Internet of Bits and Pieces were already taken? However, there’s a lot more to the IoT than a clumsy name, in fact it essentially represents the most startling and influential impact […]

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